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Darjeeling Tea Is Grown Only In The Darjeeling Region Of West Bengal In India.

The Tea Leaf of Darjeeling is very popular in the international market because of its delicate aroma/ flavor and brews to a pale golden color with a mellow taste and a hint of sweetness. This flavor cannot be replicated in tea subject.

The taste of Darjeeling tea leaf is as mysterious as the Himalayas. The unique flavor of Darjeeling comes from its bushes and its intricate harvesting and processing. It is lighter and less astringent than most black tea, but more layered and complex than most greens.

It's aroma and taste unparalleled in the world. The region produces some of the finest quality of White, Oolong, Green, Black.

There are a total more than 80 tea estates in the hills that have been accorded the right to label its produce " Darjeeling Tea" by the Tea Board of India.

Darjeeling Has Three Flushes As Per The Tea Growing Season.

A. The highly prized first flush is where you can find some really interesting, delicate flavors

B. The second flush from the more mature plant is where the Muscatel flavors come out

C. The third flush (Autumn Flush) produce a very dark leaf that steeps up a full-bodied and naturally fruity flavored tea.


Darjeeling Flushes ( Orthodox Tea Leaf )

Tea flush refers to the tea growing seasons (certain time periods) in Darjeeling. The same Darjeeling tea from the same plantation will taste different depending on when it's harvested. These periodic harvests, called flushes, span the tea growing season, punctuated by the regular high mountain rains. A flush may come earlier or later depending on the weather.


FIRST FLUSH Tea Leaf - is harvested in mid- February to April. The First Flush is the picking of the brand new two leaves and a bud in the earliest spring growth of the plant. The color of tea is light and clear with bright liquor.

The leaves have floral scent, with a lively flowery character and leaves are usually more delicate. It makes a delightful afternoon tea.

Best appreciate for a pleasant sip without milk or if you want to enjoy it Indian style try it with a lump of sugar. First Flush Darjeeling teas are generally less oxidized during processing and may appear more greenish in color than a typical black tea.

NOTE:- Generally first flush teas are considered more expensive due to its bright liquor and a lively character. These teas are produced in less quantity and hence the demand outstrips the supply

Darjeeling Second Flush

SECOND FLUSH Tea Leaf - is harvested in May to mid-June, harvested in the monsoon or rainy season. The tea has dark color and strong flavor in contrast to first flush teas. The tea leaves have purplish bloom and has a fruity taste generally.

Second Flush yields larger, more mature leaves with a purplish hue and silver tips or leaf buds. The unique muscatel flavor is caused due to the combination of unique weather.

Darjeeling second flush is so unique because it clearly brings the unique muscatel flavor Darjeeling is known for as no other tea in the world is able to bring such unique flavor.

NOTE:- Second flush tea cost less than first flush because the tea leaf are more abundant and are picked for a longer time.

Darjeeling Autumn Flush

AUTUMN FLUSH - most of the leaves growth during Autumn. The tea color is dark or coppery and texture is full bodied but it has a lighter flavor. Autumn Darjeeling has a delicate as well as a sparkling character.

The ones that do make it to market typically have a coppery colored liquid and a nice round taste, quite suitable as a breakfast tea and stronger than the any other flush.

Take a very small amount of milk and a little sweetener, if you so desire for a sip. The unique thing about these teas is the aroma.

Tea leaves from this Flush are often used for iced tea and different commercial tea bag production.

NOTE:- It's less withered, consequently more oxidized, and usually sold at lower prices. It is mainly exported or used as masala chai and others blended flavor tea.